Pagan Apocalypse by John Triptych

Pagan Apocalypse by John Triptych

Author:John Triptych [Triptych, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2016-03-02T23:00:00+00:00

Chapter 6

There were a number of times when I wondered what it would be like to truly die. When I asked my mum about it for the first time when I was seven she simply said that it feel like going to sleep and never waking up ever again. A few days after that one of my other classmates in primary school told me that everyone had a soul and it would go to a wondrous place called heaven, where everything was nice and all that and so I asked him if heaven was so nice then why doesn’t everyone just kill themselves and stay there but then he said that you had to live a good life first in order to get there. When I asked him what that meant he told me to shut up so I slapped him in the face and he started crying and he told me I would be going to hell before the teacher pulled us apart. Hell, I soon learned, was a place of eternal torment and that unless I behaved myself I would surely end up there. When I told all my fears to my dad he simply said that neither heaven nor hell was truly proven so one could never be too sure what would happen when you die so it’s just better to wait. After he told me that I sort of stopped thinking about it for a bit.

The one time that death truly did affect me was when we visited my grandmother while she was in the care home. I was around eight years old then and I always wondered why everyone seemed so nice and quiet yet it felt like they were all hiding something. Granny had knitted a sweater for Dad and he proudly wore it while Mum couldn’t help herself as she made a loud snort and then left the room in tears. It had all felt so artificial and strange when a few days later my parents called me over to the living room and said that Granny had died of cancer. That was when I remembered all those things about heaven and hell and I didn’t talk to anyone for the rest of the day when I finally realized just how cruel and heartless the world could be.

And now it looked like my questions might be truly answered as I woke up in the land of the dead. As soon as I opened my eyes I experienced an instant flood of awareness as all my other senses had also come alive almost instantly. The first image that I saw was the gray sky. I could not see a sun shining nor was it dark; it seemed to be an overcast day encompassed by a shroud of perpetual mist and gloom.

I had been lying on the soft, marshy surface of damp grass that I sensed was neither alive nor dead. As I sat up I noticed that every blade of grass in this seemingly endless bog was as gray as the sky.


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